If you don’t want to strain your brain when solving some puzzles, and experience stress from almost impossible tasks, then you will definitely like Bomb Prank. It has no meaning, no plot, no complex controls, no eye-popping visuals, no addictive soundtrack.

Why is it special then? The answer is nothing. It is not a cool project that you are going to become a fan of. It is simple, designed to make you have fun spending your free time. Your task is not to die, or rather not to explode and not fall outside the arena. If you manage, you win.

No one says that it may become your favorite anyway. You will enjoy the process here, but after that you should most likely forget about it. You are going to find something more worthwhile than this. And yet spend at least a few minutes on it. You might get a kick out of this cheap junk.

Bomb Prank